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Moving a generation to change the world

Lady Gaga painting a wall at a community project.
"What makes RockCorps so special, is it makes volunteering fashionable"

Lady GaGa

Concerts with the biggest artists in the world, the only way you can get a ticket is to volunteer 


Unlocking the impact of the world’s largest brands through the power of music, youth, community and purpose.


RockCorps is a pro-social marketing and entertainment company.


We use music and culture to inspire action - providing the respect, tools and opportunities for youth to volunteer and engage with their community. One person, one show, one city at a time - we inspire people to change the world.


Two black teenager girls volunteering - one is holding a drill, the other the wood. Both wearing RockCorps t-shirts.

We have worked with all the below artists and hundreds more...

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Unique brand partnerships that sit at the intersection of marketing + social purpose, entertainment + civic engagement


Last visited: France - ibis RockCorps

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